Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Climate Change: What does it take to get our attention? 400 PPM level passed- a one day story?

“Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone, Raising Fears,” ran the headline on the front page lead  story in Saturday’s New York Times, with this sub-head: “CO2 at Level Not Seen in Millions of Years, Portending Major Climate Changes.”
A headline like that — millions of years? really? — normally turns up in comic books and superhero movies, not in the paper of record. 

In the real world, it was pretty much a one-day story.
What does it take to grab us by the eyeballs?  Chris Christie’s waistline is guaranteed wall-to-wall coverage.  The next Jodi Arias is waiting in CNN’s wings.  The Benghazi circus will be in town at least through 2016.  Sure, disaster porn is always good for ratings, but though a Superstorm Sandy may momentarily raise the specter of climate change, daily bulletins on the parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere apparently aren’t Nielsen enough.

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