Wednesday, April 24, 2013

US: DRAMA QUEEN NATION? Expecting the Good Guy to Blow away the Bad Guy so we can cheer and then wait for the next tragedy


So I ask, has catastrophe become a kind of emotional catnip for us? You know, the kind of stuff we love to hate?
Whether it's school children mowed down by a crazed gunman, a bombing, even a fertilizer plant leveling half an American town, we no longer just shake our heads in disgust and disbelief and then go on with life. No, we don't. That was so last century. That's not enough today.
When one of these kind of events happen now an entire industry swings into action. News becomes reality TV - for real -- unscripted, unpredictable, unfolding as we breathlessly watch. And watch we will, because there's no escape. CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, radio, internet, it's everywhere, all the time.

We, the United States, must like it because unlike other countries, WE DO NOTHING TO CHANGE THE laws which allow such tragedies to become so common.  The only question anyone has is where will the next tragedy take place.  Will it be an assault gun massacre, a bombing at an event or the blowing up of a town because a company ignored regulation or will we crash the economy because the Billionaires needed more money?  US: Drama Queen Nation.

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