Wednesday, March 20, 2013

10 years of War in Iraq. Now we find out GW Bush and Cheney did not ask Powell or Rumsfeld to talk pros and cons before starting the war.

GW just said, we are going to war and started the bombing.  GW Bush DID NOT ask his top military advisors or state department people about the hows and whys and how long.  then we have Cheney meeting with Bush daily saying, "You going to take him out or not" and implying that he is a wimp if he does not start the war.  GW Bush even had intelligence tell him that there were no WMD's before the bombing began.  IRAQ WAS A WAR THAT DID NOT NEED TO BE FOUGHT!  And then to put it and Afghanistan on Credit Cards and throw in tax cuts to bring in even less money is making a financial disaster.

The THOUSANDS KILLED AND WOUNDED IN IRAQ was a waste of people and resources.

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