Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yesterday, 12 were killed and 48 were wounded by a smart young man who went into a movie theater and started shooting with an AK 47 (MACHINE GUN) with 100 round magazines for it.  He also had 3 other guns.

The guns laws we have are stupid and a total result of the NRA making sure that every person can get any gun they want.  The young man who killed and hurt so many bought 6000 rounds of ammunition and 4 guns within weeks - THIS IS CRAZY!!  He also bought full body balistics covering so he could not be shot - THIS IS VERY CRAZY!

My conservative friend of course says, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."  He then says that really it is President Obama who is at fault - of course.

I think the Conservative thought of more guns is the answer is stupid.  MACHINE GUNS (AK 47) and the like should only be used by police and military!!!  ALL PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE SERIOUS TRAINING BEFORE THEY GET A CONCEALED PERMIT!!  I was in the military and I had training before I could shoot.  THE ARIZONA LAW WHICH ALLOWS ANY 18 YEAR OLD WITH A DRIVERS LICENSE TO CARRY A CONCEALED GUN IS A DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN. In AZ, anyone can buy 100 Machine Guns legally - WHY!!!!  THE POLICE CANNOT EVEN ASK THE PERSON WHY THEY NEED 100 AK 47s!!!  THIS IS CRAZY!!!

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