Monday, April 18, 2011

Global Warming is real!

Global warming is real folks!!!! I see it in Alaska. We had unbelievable rains until January of 2011. Coal is a big factor as is oil and shale oil is extremely bad for our environment.

The ice cap was the thinnest it has ever been, we have had hurricanes, tornados, flooding, topping of mountains, FRACKING and the GULF OIL SPILL which was man caused and is ruining our environment.

The future: We can expect more crazy weather events because of climate change. We can expect more drought, more crazy storms, more oil spills (GOD DID NOT CAUSE THE OIL SPILL IN THE GULF - true fact, but many people are sick and fish are dying because of that spill.)

Why are gas costs so high? Because of speculation and greed. Paper pushers on wall street have run the cost up on the futures markets. Futures were pushed to extremes during the GW Bush years.

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