Monday, December 22, 2008

Foot of snow, bigger drifts

Weird: Portland, OR and a solid foot of snow with drifts of 3 and 4 feet. I dug out the car with chains and immediately drove into a drift - so I parked it for the day.
I see a fellow up the street who wants to drive but got stuck in a drift. The snow is powder - so it is easy to shovel.
This is suppose to continue through the week. People have been stuck at the airport for 2 days. Hope things are better where you are. I have not been up to see my Grandkids because I could not make it up the hill. The White Sentra is the car we took to the mountains (daughter's car). My car stays in the garage with snow, I do not want to put chains on it unless I have no other alternative.

UPDATE: SNOW RECORD IN PORTLAND, OR SET TODAY!!! 14 inches is a record and still snowing.

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