Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vote Obama

Vote Obama! Enough of the macho - kick ass crap. Bush lied us into Iraq. Palin is wrong to say Al Quida was in Iraq at the beginning - Not True. No Weapons Of Mass Destruction either.

Even Iraqi leaders are saying it is time to pull troops. That is what Obama is saying.

We need to get rid of the Bush/Cheney mentality - VOTE OBAMA!

The fog was everywhere Saturday Morning. It is cold when you are in fog.

**Note: I had no intention of going political but I did not make my views known more when Bush ran and we now have an economic meltdown. Bush is bad and McCain will be more Bush policies. My Grandkids do not need to pay for the Mistakes of Bush and clones. Sorry if you think I am a raving loon but honestly - the lies and distortions of the republicans get old fast. WHEN WE GO TO WAR - HAVE A REAL REASON and pay for it! Don't take away kids and the elderly health care and then tell my grandkids - YOU GET TO PAY FOR THE WAR IN IRAQ!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We MUST go "political". We must discuss real issues that affect our lives. We can't just vote. We need to pay attention. For the past eight years I have been so discouraged that many people don't see that our constitution has been trampled, our economy trashed and our world standing left in disgrace (torture, illegal occupations and lawlessness by government officials.)
And now we have a scary political puppet woman and a McBush ready to pull the wool over our eyes again!
Good Goddess! As Dennis Kucinich said, "Wake up America!"