Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Why Vote Obama? He will be better at alternative energies, solar, wind, wave and geo thermal than McCain. Obama will push for higher gas milage vehicles and electric as well as hybrid cars. By the way, drilling today will bring in oil 10 years from now.
We need to save energy way before that. (I lived with the Yu'Pik people in Bush Alaska and if there is an oil spill in Bristol Bay: The people I lived with would die. they survive barely by the salmon and animals of Alaska. If oil kills the animals, natives will die.

Bears: We had a bear at school again today. A mom brought her kids to school. She left her dogs in the car while she came into the school. The bear was at the car trying to get to the dogs. The bear left after about 10 minutes.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! All those bears! Sounds a little dangerous. Not as dangerous as 30 or so years of republican conservative economics. Here we are seeing the beginning results of deregulation and privatization. And you're right, the mafia dons and perps at the top won't suffer, working folks and our emerging young working class will pay big time.

Rich said...

WAMU is going under tomorrow! I bet the fellows who ran the companies into the ground get million dollar bonuses but the workers will lose the retirement the slaved for years to receive.

Bush and McCain policies at work! More for the rich and blame the working class.