Tuesday, March 4, 2008

sunset/ snowmobiles-why?

Why snowmobiles? Most Transportation here is snowmobiles! Why?

For 7 months out of the year, there is snow and ice. Snowmobiles are the fastest and smoothest means of travel from community to community. You can cruise at 80 MPH on a snowmobile and a lot of people actually do.
For 5 months, you can see the ground. However, the second most common way of travel is boat. When the River thaws, people get in their boats and make the trip from community to community and to the fish camps to fish. Cars and trucks are rare, usually used by businesses. You have to barge in cars and trucks.


Rich said...


No More spam!!!! Hooray!!

Bill said...

Every so often I get a spam post, and usually delete it quickly. When it gets out of hand, I turn on the character pattern feature, but don't like to keep that on.

Snowmobiles are big up on Grand Mesa to our North, but not here in Delta. We get about 6" of snow a year in town. There is 12 feet on the mesa right now. :)

Ashley said...

I LOVE the picture! Holy cow.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, it just takes us being of the older generation a little longer to figure out these things, but we eventually conquer..