Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Report: Trump is yelling and screaming at staff at the White House. He is using a lot of F words at people.


President Trump Literally Going Crazy In The White House After Another Crippling Leak

President Trump is clearly in free fall after being hit with another crippling leak and is reportedly losing his mind in the White House tonight.

A senior official in the Trump administration, who previously worked on the president’s campaign, told Buzzfeed that they don’t, “see how Trump isn’t completely f**ked.”
Last night, following the first crippling leak for the White House that revealed Trump handed over secret intel to the Russians, Steve Bannon, White House communications director Michael Dubke, Sean Spicer and deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders, held an emergency meeting.
Journalists in the hallway soon “heard yelling coming from the room where officials are”. Minutes later, televisions were turned up “super loud” in an apparent attempt to drown out the shouting and prevent reporters overhearing the heated discussions. Sanders announced moments later that White House officials would not be answering any more questions for the evening.
Trump is in free fall and it wouldn’t be a surprise if this breaks him. He may be the most attacked [by the media] person in the history of all humanity.

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