Friday, April 21, 2017

Pres Trump has twitter tantrum about 100 day accomplishments: TWITTER TALKS ABOUT ACCOMPLISHMENTS which never happened

Twitter Mocks Trump's Tantrum Over 'Ridiculous' First 100 Days Accomplishment Expectations

Presidenting Is Hard

Historically, presidents have set high bars of achievement for their first 100 days in office, knowing they have a small "honeymoon" window to get their big legislative goals through Congress. The first 100 days really are important. As that date – April 29 – is fast-aproaching, President Donald Trump and his team are freaking out, knowing, although refusing to admit, they have accomplished little, and few of the goals they made public, including not repealing and replacing ObamaCare.

A helpful tool to compare what Trump promised in his first 100 days to reality.

Friday morning, an exasperated President Trump took to Twitter, as he often does, to vent.
"No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!" Trump tweeted. It's unclear what he is referring to in South Carolina.
Twitter wasted no time attacking Trump for publicly licking his wounds, complaining that presidenting is hard, and again framing himself as a victim after making huge promises he just couldn't keep. 

Trump says the first 100 days is a "ridiculous standard"

Signed legislation compared. Obama did everything on the left in the first 50 days

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As Trump complains about "ridiculous" 100 day standard for measuring his success, a reminder of some of his campaign literature:

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