Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Resistance to President Trump is homegrown and real upset with the GOP policies.

Donald Trump presents a silver lining that if realized may be the panacea for a red state like Texas and other red states as well. In an odd kind of way, Trump just may be the catalyst the Progressive movement needed.
President Obama emerged at a time when the American political establishment, Republicans, and Democrats alike, had given the keys to the plutocracy. Trickle-down economics under Reagan and Bush along with the repeal of Glass-Steagall and NAFTA under Clinton made every poor and middle-class American nothing but widgets and commodities.
President Obama created a coalition twice to win two elections healthily. But the ex-President did not create a movement. He did not nurture the coalition post-election. Instead, he spent most of his time attempting changing the policies he believed in to make it more palatable for Blue Dog Democrats and Republicans. That process emboldened the opposition which is a numerical minority that became a political majority. That stance ultimately decimated the Democratic Party throughout the country. Had President Obama nurtured and grown his nascent movement, he would have had a better Affordable Care Act, a better stimulus, and much more engaged grassroots to mitigate Republican fallacies and sneak attacks.
So far Donald Trump continues to prime his constituents, albeit a small but vocal movement. President Obama rarely did that. Trump is in constant contact with his supporters, and he does almost nothing to undermine even the most petulant of them. Many times President Obama would seem to throw his left under the bus.
Americans are no longer waiting for a Messiah. They have finally taken one of President Obama’s most effective messages to heart. “You are who you have been waiting for.” A document purportedly prepared by a few political representatives’ staffers have caught fire. It gave millions of Americans the little guidance to become the catalyst for a real grassroots movement that’s been building organically. The Indivisible Guide is everywhere. It is in the hands of working Americans, homemakers, middle-class people, poor people, activists, and those who have never protested or been activists in their lives.

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