Tuesday, February 21, 2017

President Trump started a war with the media: The media is fighting back.


Donald Trump has blasted the media over and over again, referring to major news organizations as “fake news.” One of those news organizations has responded in kind, calling Trump “inept” and “a disgrace.”
Trump has been at war with the news media over the past few weeks. He called several news outlets fake news, and he even tweeted that the media was the enemy of the American people.
All presidents have had fights with the media at one time or another. But Trump takes it to the next level, just like everything else.
The Media isn’t going to take these kinds of attacks sitting down, though. First, CNN released a video making fun of the orange president’s last press conference/emotional breakdown.
Now, the New York Times is getting into the mix. On Saturday they published an editorial about the President’s first month in office, and it wasn’t pretty.
The editorial calls out Trump for his lack of meaningful accomplishments. His barrage of executive orders aren’t achievements; they’ve been a mess.
The Times also blasted the President for acting like a TV celebrity. Trump’s been all show and no substance.
The editorial staff wrote, “It’s with a whiff of desperation that President Trump insists these days that he’s the chief executive Washington needs, the decisive dealmaker who, as he said during the campaign, ‘alone can fix it.’ What America has seen so far is an inept White House led by a celebrity apprentice.”
The editorial continued, “When Mr. Trump’s assistants can keep the edge of panic out of their voices, they insist that Mr. Trump has gotten more done in the early going than most presidents. And Mr. Trump is so adept at creating smoke that Americans might be forgiven for thinking that’s true.”
The Times is right about Trump using smoke and mirrors to make himself look successful. And that’s why he hates the press because the press points out all his lies and exaggerations.
Most of Trump’s team feels the same way. Steve Bannon considers the media to be the enemy, and Reince Priebus just parrots the administration’s lines about the dangers of a free press.
Trump claims that his administration is running like a well-oiled machine. But any rational person can see that this train has gone off the rails.
Trump doesn’t seem to understand that he’s not in a TV show starring himself. This is the real world, and his decisions have real-world consequences.
So far we’re the ones that have to deal with those consequences. Trump can hide away in the White House surrounded by his army of yes-men.
But Trump can’t hide from the truth. Organizations like the New York Times and CNN will continue to confront Trump about his lies.
So let him tweet about how the press is so unfair to him. The more he attacks the media, the more they will make fun of him.
Please stand with the New York Times in exposing our inept president. Please share this story on Facebook.

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