Tuesday, January 17, 2017

GOP Rep in WA shouted down about Taking Away Health Care


Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a Washington state Republican, did not have a kind reception at an MLK Day speech back home in Spokane. It seems her constituents are concerned about her plans for their health care.
Thousands of people gathered at the rally before the planned march through downtown Spokane.
Spokane Mayor David Condon and McMorris Rodgers, the U.S. Representative from Washington's 5th congressional district, both spoke at the rally about unity.
During the rally, attendees were heard booing McMorris Rodgers, yelling the word "liar" and chanting about saving healthcare.
Joe.My.God found the video (you can watch it below). What local station KXLY did not report are the frequent calls of "bullshit" answering McMorris Rodgers’ claims that she's their representative and “advocate.”

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