Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Judge gave Stanford Rapist 6 months, Judge gave latino in similar case 3 years - WHY THE DIFFERENCE?


Judge Aaron Persky (pictured) handed down a slap on the wrist sentence for Stanford rapist Brock Allen Turner. Persky gave the rapist only a 6-month sentence because he said, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him. I think he will not be a danger to others.” We can’t have violent offenders receiving harsh sentences now, can we?
In a similar case, though, Judge Persky sentenced an offender to three  years in state prison.
The Guardian reports:
Raul Ramirez, a 32-year-old immigrant from El Salvador who admitted to sexually assaulting his female roommate in a case that has similarities with the Stanford case, will be sentenced to three years in state prison under a deal overseen by judge Aaron Persky, according to records obtained by the Guardian.

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