Monday, June 27, 2016

Hillary and Elizabeth Warren on the stump!! Very good.

CINCINNATI — Hillary Clinton and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts held their first joint campaign event on Monday, striking a populist tone as they sought to address the anger over income inequality that has swept the electorate while skewering Donald J. Trump as contributing to the middle class’s economic woes.
“I got into this race because I wanted to even the odds for people who have the odds stacked against them,” Mrs. Clinton said. “To build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, we have got to go big and we have got to go bold.”
The event was the first time the two Democrats have campaigned onstage together and is the culmination of an unlikely political alliance between Mrs. Clinton, who is often associated with her husband’s centrist economic agenda, and Ms. Warren, who has assailed policies of the Bill Clinton era by tying the deregulation of Wall Street to the 2008 financial crisis.
But those differences seemed a distant memory on Monday, as Mrs. Clinton and Ms. Warren echoed similar liberal themes and took the stage together united against the common enemy: Mr. Trump.
Mrs. Warren praised Mrs. Clinton’s advocacy for families and children, saying she had “steady hands, but most of all, she has a good heart.” But she also presented the presumptive Democratic nominee as singularly suited to defeat Mr. Trump.
“She knows what it takes to defeat a thin-skinned bully who is driven by greed and hate,” said Ms. Warren, who has often been on the receiving side of Mr. Trump’s Twitter attacks. “She doesn’t whine. She doesn’t run to Twitter to call her opponents fat pigs or dummies.”

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