Monday, April 4, 2016

The DO NOTHING CONGRESS has even slowed further - Less than DO NOTHING - hinder an bitch

Congress increasingly is being defined by what it’s not doing this election year.
It’s hard to go from “party of no” and “Do-Nothing Congress” (names attached to Republicans in the last several years due to their deliberate obstruction and inability to pass even the most basic of bills due to in party fighting) to being “increasingly defined by what it’s not doing”. That’s a real achievement. It’s like being at the bottom, or what everyone else thought was the bottom, and then finding a new, spectacular way to dig even deeper.
But if ever in doubt about strategy fails, one need only glance at Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the Senator Majority Leader, but probably for a very short time due in large part to his own insistence on obstructing Obama no matter what… and I mean literally, there is no crisis large enough to get McConnell to put the country above his pettiness.
Republicans, led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, insist that the decision on filling the court vacancy rests with the next president after voters have their say in November’s election.
The Senate is stuck on a no to even hearings for President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, and for no justifiable or even justifiable-adjacent reason. Some senators won’t even meet with Justice Garland, by all accounts a moderate who is trusted on both sides of the aisle.
Oh and sorry children of Flint, but the “pro-life” party has decided it can’t send you that aid money because Senator Mike Lee is insisting it not put a dent in the deficit:
A bipartisan bill to aid Flint, Michigan, where the city’s 100,000 residents are struggling with lead-contaminated water, is being blocked by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah. He says he wants to ensure that the money is paid for without adding to the deficit. The dispute over Flint has snagged a far-reaching measure on energy.
No, nope, no one home. This is what you pay them for, to stomp their feet when children in Flint are being poisoned, thanks in part to a Republican policy of removing accountability from government by appointing “emergency managers” to run cities they know nothing about and “save money” by making rash, unnecessary moves away from safe water – some of the best water in the country – to hook up years down the road to another source.
There is no both sides do it equivalency here, it’s just the facts- these people are doing nothing. Nada. NOOOOOO.
Then she digs into Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) big embarrassment in the House, the fact that he is no magic man or party uniter. Just like former Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Ryan is unable to budge the tea jihadists in the House.
In the House, where lawmakers return from their break April 12, conservative opposition probably will make it impossible to pass a budget, in what would be a major embarrassment for Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. A GOP proposal to aid debt-stricken Puerto Rico has drawn criticism from House Democrats and conservatives, raising doubts about Congress’ ability to resolve the issue.
Yet Paul Ryan is waiting in the wings for the Republican Party to crown him in their Never Trump Hail Mary pass. The Republican Peter principle of failing upward right into the White House continues. The really sad thing about this is that former Speaker John Boehner was a good politician, he simply couldn’t make lemonade out of the crap lemons he was given in the House. But if anyone here was ready to be a bigger leader, it is Boehner, not Ryan. But that’s the kind of crazy dysfunction you see in a poorly-led organization that rewards failure and incompetence, praising image over substance and blaming the loyal old timers for the behavior of the brash newbies.
Republicans: Failing failing failing, no nope nada, stomp, pout, point fingers.

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