Monday, April 18, 2016

GW Bush: The lies he used to Rush to War in Iraq. His briefer said Bush was not telling the truth.

As almost every American citizen knows, former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney have tried for years to cover up the fact that they led the country astray regarding the Iraq war. Bush and Cheney pushed to invade Iraq by misleading the public about the WMD threat supposedly posed by Saddam Hussein.

President George W. Bush’s former CIA Deputy Director sat down with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to discuss the invasion of Iraq and the implications of that decision for the American public.
Top CIA briefer, Mike Morell, was on Hardball with Chris Matthews where he revealed the truth about the United States’ invasion of Iraq.
Morell admitted to Matthews that both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney actually lied about Iraq’s possession of nuclear weapons.
Not even one minute into the clip and Morell already admits this:
‘The intelligence community, was telling the president of the United States that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.’
Matthews played a clip of Cheney issuing the following statement:
‘We know he [Saddam Hussein] has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And, we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.’
Matthews did a brilliant job of sticking to the task at hand and pressing for the truth. He wasn’t going to let Morell take the easy way out, and ultimately, he was victorious. Matthews was able to trap Morell and force him to admit that Bush and Cheney did in fact mislead the public.

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