Monday, April 4, 2016

GOP Promised Tax Cuts: Richest and Corporations get the CUTS AND YOU AND I PAY FOR THEM.

Donald Trump claims he’ll “make America great again” with his tax plan. Others have similar plans. Flat taxes, “fair” taxes, etc. 
We’ve been hearing these same claims for 40 years. What actually happens is that politicians lower taxes, primarily for the wealthy, and then they do one of two things: 1) shift the costs onto you, or 2) run deficits.
When you hear pundits and politicians talk about taxes, forget what they say. The truth is simple: You’re going to pay more, and the wealthy are going to pay less. 
As tax day approaches, here’s a story you won’t hear in the corporate media. 
All taxes are not created equal. Some benefit average people. Some benefit Wall Street and the wealthy.
Consumption taxes are taxes on goods and services that everyone buys regularly like food and gas. As you make more money, you don’t tend to buy more of these items. The wealthy pay very little in terms of consumption taxes. The costs are borne by consumers.
Progressive taxes, by comparison, are taxes where you pay more back as you benefit more. The idea behind progressive taxes is that the more people benefit from the efforts of our country, the more they should pay back in to help make sure we have strong infrastructure and a strong country and that future generations have the same opportunity to succeed. 
Here’s a list of 10 common taxes and who benefits most from reducing them. 

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