Monday, April 11, 2016

FEAR and more FEAR: The GOP is Beyond Saving.

Planting seeds of fear and ignorance has damaged the party to the point where it is virtually unelectable

Following a string of resounding victories, many in the mainstream media and the GOP are looking towards Ted Cruz as the one who will finally take down Donald Trump. As a matter of fact, many of the former Republican candidates, “moderates” included, have decided to endorse Cruz over Trump. In reaction to these events, a recent op-ed calls Ted Cruz an “unlikely savior”, which is laughable. The GOP is beyond saving.
Trump may be a flip-flopper who says whatever is of convenience. For that reason, we can’t be completely sure of how horrible President Trump could be for the nation (no doubt it would be horrible!).  Should there be a Trump presidency, we can be sure that he will be radical on issues like immigration and torture. But as his stance on Planned Parenthood shows, he can sometimes be a moderate.
But with a Cruz presidency, we can be sure of the dark(er) days that await our country. He is a theocratic war hawk who lies and spreads hate against the LGBT community, Muslims and other immigrant groups, with an uncompromising position on many of his stances. He has shut down the government for being a “courageous conservative” and as president, we can only fear the type of shenanigans this man with a messiah complex will attempt. In fact, he has such a radical stance on immigration, that he has attacked Donald Trump for supporting the policy of “self-deportation”, a radical policy in itself.
Given his profile, the idea that Cruz could be the GOP’s better alternative to Trump is, once again, laughable. Sen. Lindsay Graham knows that both “options” are  “like being shot or poisoned.” And if Cruz will possibly be the new face of the Republican party for the next four year, things will not stand good for the party.
More if you follow the link.

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