Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Colbert interviews Cartoon Donald Trump. ! Wisconsin votes today (for those who are allowed to vote)


“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert last night discussed Donald Trump’s declining favorability ahead of Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary.
“This week, the tide seemed to turn against Trump,” Colbert began, citing aggregate polling. “That’s what they say about Trump: love him or hate him, statistically, you probably hate him.”
“Trump is having an extra hard time with women voters,” he noted, “especially after last week when he said that if abortion becomes illegal, women who get them should face some sort of punishment.”
Colbert said it’s “hard to tell” if Trump actually holds that belief, seeing as the GOP frontrunner “five different positions on abortion in three days,” according to a WaPoreport.
Or, as Colbert put it, “He flipped-flopped, then flapped, flooped, and flupped.”

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