Thursday, April 14, 2016

BILL NYE, the science guy, WAS NEVER INVITED TO A DEBATE WITH CLIMATE DENIERS AND SARAH PALIN!! Just a story to push a Climate Denier Movie.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

“Marc Morano did not invite me to his movie but he said I refused to come after he did invite me — he was making that up,” Nye said in a video posted on his Facebook page. “It’s disingenuous, at best.” 

Morano’s organization, Climate Depot, originally said Nye would “appear” at the May 2 event, which will include a showing of the film Climate Hustle as well as a panel discussion that will include former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. 

However, it was later reported that Nye will not be there; instead, the event — which is being simulcast in movie theaters around the US — will show clips of an interview Morano conducted with him. Nye said in his video that he agreed to speak to Morano on the condition that his own documentary crew be allowed to remain present. 

 You can see a portion of that exchange filmed by Nye's documentary crew at this link, and trust me it does not make this Marc Marano guy look like he has any idea what he is talking about.

 We had mentioned before that all of the talk about a debate between Sarah Palin and Bill Nye was horse pucky but as it turns out so was any discussion about Nye lending the event any credibility by agreeing to participate.

This Marc Morano is a lying POS which I think helps to explain why Palin is supposedly the "headliner."

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