Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bill Maher: NEW RULE: The GOP are toast - punt

Bill Maher ended Real Time on Friday by urging Republicans to abandon hope for the 2016 presidential election and instead embark on a “top-to-bottom renovation” of their party.
“It’s like one of those houses where an old lady lived with 100 cats who peed everywhere. That is your party today — a filthy, pee-stained house full of dead cats,” he said. “Do you really want to live there for the next four years? Do you really want to spend four years defending every single thing that President Trump tweets in the middle of the night?”
Much as he did two weeks ago, Maher mocked the GOP for its current choice between two unpalatable potential presidential nominees.
“Either Ted Cruz — a man with all the appeal of Jared from Subway, minus the inspiring weight-loss story — or Donald Trump, the zombie candidate,” he said.
What the party should do, Maher argued, is just “punt” this year and play defense against Hillary Clinton.
“You’ve got a great defense,” he said. “By that I mean you’re great at being obstructionist a*sholes when you’re out of office.”
Instead of being forced to account for Trump “putting Hulk Hogan on the nickel” if he’s elected, Maher pointed out that Republicans could have more fun opposing Clinton once she’s in office.

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