Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Evangelicals backing Trump/ Cruz prove that Religious Right are about Power and not Religion.

Conservative Christian Leader Admits Liberals Were Right About Evangelicals All Along

For years, liberals have maintained that evangelicals have only been using religion as a means to achieve absolute power, and now one of their leaders has confirmed it.
On Monday, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention president Russell Moore wrote a column for the Washington Post blasting evangelical Christians for proving liberals right.
Donald Trump, despite his more than fleeting flirtation with fascism and his campaign of hate and intolerance, has gained massive support from evangelical Christians who are willing to overlook the Republican front-runner’s lack of Christian morals as long it means they get a president who will give them more power.
“The…problem is the behavior of some evangelical leaders,” Moore wrote.
“I have watched as some of these who gave stem-winding speeches about “character” in office during the Clinton administration now minimize the spewing of profanities in campaign speeches, race-baiting and courting white supremacists, boasting of adulterous affairs, debauching public morality and justice through the casino and pornography industries.”
Moore wasn’t finished though. He also slammed evangelicals, a term he is too embarrassed to use to describe himself any longer, because they are flocking to candidates who pretend to be Christians.
“I watched one evangelical leader pronounce a candidate a Christian, though he explicitly states that he has never repented of sin, because he displays the fruit of the Spirit in job creation. That’s not a political problem; it’s a gospel problem.
Why are many evangelical leaders, including some who pontificate on nearly everything else, scared silent as evangelicalism is associated with everything from authoritarianism and bigotry to violations of religious freedom? How can they look the other way in silence when politicians praise Planned Parenthood and demur about white supremacists and neo-Nazis?”

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