Friday, February 5, 2016

GOP: Disaster in their Own District - MONEY, NOW! Other District disaster: GOP WILL PRAY FOR YOU

A Note to Speaker Ryan: Prayer Won’t Turn Flint’s Poisoned Water into Wine

Ryan says prayer comes first, when disaster strikes their home districts, it's money that comes first. Prayer is what they offer for other people.
Speaker Paul Ryan claimed at the National Prayer Breakfast that ‘Prayer Should Always Come First.’ First before what? The Constitution? The First Amendment specifically? Freedom of Religion? The freedom from religion the First Amendment demands?
“I want to welcome all of you to Washington. You could not have come for a better reason. This breakfast is a national tradition because prayer is a part of our national heritage. It all goes back to the Declaration of Independence. We believe our rights come from God, and our job, as officeholders, is to protect those rights. So it is only natural we should ask for His guidance as we seek to do His will.”
This is an interesting choice of words, since the oath sworn is to uphold the Constitution, not to do his god’s will.

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