Friday, February 12, 2016

Bundy Terrorists fueled by lies and distortions on the Right. Right Wing Media ignored them in the end.

This is what 60 years of fear-mongering in the conservative movement has wrought. This is the end result of a grand paranoia fueled by a vast archipelago of right-wing news sites and think tanks and TV and radio shows lying to you. This is the end a person comes to after imbibing for years the angry shouts and finger-pointing and blaming of everyone else for the slow erosion of living standards and working-class wages and stagnation. It ends with you huddled over a can of lukewarm Dinty Moore stew, cold and alone and casting one angry eye at the federal agents standing implacable, patiently waiting for you to give it up and go home, while the other angry eye searches the horizon for a cavalry that is too busy counting the money it grifted of you to come help you now.
About the only satisfaction to take from this whole incident is that at least no one died yesterday, and that the people the GOP has played for suckers for decades are now getting their revenge on the party establishment by nominating Donald Trump for the presidency. Unfortunately if he wins, those of us who have always known Fox News was a scam are going to suffer too.

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