Saturday, October 31, 2015

Meat and Cancer: 5 Studies on Cancer Risk

After adjusting for age, sex, and a number of other factors they found that the more participants ate red and processed meat, the higher their colorectal cancer risk. They found the inverse for fish intake but no impact for poultry intake.
They calculated that the absolute risk of development of colorectal cancer within 10 years for a study subject aged 50 years was 1.71 percent for the highest category of red and processed meat intake (greater than 160 grams a day), and 1.28 percent for the lowest category of intake (less than 20 grams a day). For fish, they found the absolute risk to be 1.86 percent for subjects in the lowest category of fish intake (less than 10 grams a day) and 1.28 percent for subjects in the highest category of fish intake (more than 80 grams a day).
Note that the risks are the same for those who eat a small amount of meat and those who have the highest intake of fish.

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