Friday, July 3, 2015

Koch Brothers now trying to buy up National parks so they can drill

Every year, more than 280 million people bring their families to visit our country's beautiful national parks. We have some of the most outstanding tourist destinations in the world and preserving these precious natural lands has been a top priority for Democrats. That may all change if the Koch brothers have their way, because they are rolling out their latest plot to privatize every piece of America, and their latest target is our national parks.
On Tuesday, an op-ed appeared in The New York Times titled "Let’s Fix Our National Parks, Not Add More." The piece was written by Reed Watson, the executive director of the Koch-backed Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) and assistant, Scott Wilson. In the article Watson tries to disguise himself as a "true conservationist" by claiming that the only way to really protect our national parks is by not acquiring more. He tries to support his asinine argument by talking about the backlog of deferred maintenance the National Park Service has for our current parks. Watson also complains that Obama is hurting our fight for land conservation because he added seven new parks to the national park system; because in their twisted logic, adding conserving more land is bad for land conservation.

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