Wednesday, July 29, 2015

ISIS How it was created and how to beat it: It is not just a US problam

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), perhaps the only sincerely honest senator other than Elizabeth Warren who actually serves the interests of the people, brought his famously blunt rhetoric to CNN this past Sunday. Even if he always seems to look like a guy who just discovered a massive government cover-up and sounds like Woody Allen on steroids, Bernie always tells it like it is.
In an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, the fiery senator spoke candidly on the ridiculously vague clusterf*ck in the Middle East that not even Stephen Hawking can properly explain. And although Sanders said that ISIS needed to be brought down, he channeled the frustration that most Americans have with he US always being the policeman, while other middle eastern countries just sit back and watch us do all the heavy lifting.
“The people of America are getting sick and tired of the world and region — Saudi Arabia and the other countries — saying, ‘Hey, we don’t have to do anything about it. The American taxpayer, the American soldiers will do all the work for us,” said Sen Sanders.

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