Monday, May 18, 2015

FOX News and the Republican Party are literally dying off.

Fox News has the oldest audience on television, and their struggles to attract young viewers mirror a Republican Party that according to a new study is literally dying off.
Daniel J. McGraw of Politico Magazine crunched the numbers and confirmed that Republicans have a party that is dying:

By combining presidential election exit polls with mortality rates per age group from the U.S. Census Bureau, I calculated that, of the 61 million who voted for Mitt Romney in 2012, about 2.75 million will be dead by the 2016 election. President Barack Obama’s voters, of course, will have died too—about 2.3 million of the 66 million who voted for the president won’t make it to 2016 either. That leaves a big gap in between, a difference of roughly 453,000 in favor of the Democrats.

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