Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bernie Sanders kicks Bill O'Reilly's ass

When Bill O’Reilly tried to smear Bernie Sanders as a radical socialist who wants the government to fully control the banking system, Bernie Sanders unloaded on him with a brilliant, truth-packed response that shattered the conservative host’s carefully crafted premise.
During a discussion on the need to break up the biggest financial institutions on Wall Street, O’Reilly began, “Teddy Roosevelt did a little of what you’re suggesting, and I think if you present it in a way where it isn’t the government running the economy, then you might get a hearing on it. But unfortunately, socialists, and you’re one of those…”
At this point, Sanders had had enough and jumped in: “Democratic Socialist!” he corrected O’Reilly. “If Teddy Roosevelt were alive today, a good Republican, he would want to break up these huge financial institutions on Wall Street, and a lot of other industries as well, cause we have a huge concentration of ownership in this country that is very dangerous.”

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