Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Warmongers happy with Bibi: Others, not so much. Obama approval rises.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented his concerns about a nuclear deal with Iran. But the country portrayed by Netanyahu resembled a comic-book villain more than a nation engaged in intense nuclear negotiations with the P5+1, and in efforts to push back ISIL’s advances in Iraq.
While rejecting the developing nuclear deal and urging Congress to push for a “better deal,” Netanyahu provided scant details about how a “better deal” might be reached with a country he compared to “clutching Israel with three tentacles of terror,” a “deadly game of thrones,” the “Persian potentate” and holding a “voracious appetite for aggression.”
This isn’t the first time Netanyahu has lobbied Congress with dire warnings of security threats in the Middle East.
In 1995, Netanyahu wrote that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in “three to five years,” and, in 1996, speaking before a joint session of Congress, he warned that the deadline for Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon was “getting extremely close.”
Those predictions, while terrifying, were also inaccurate.

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