Thursday, December 25, 2014

Lone Hero stands up to Open Carry Bullies and the bullies assault him.

“I went there because I really have a problem with people that think they can stir good-hearted people that want a safe and positive change in a community into their violent paranoia that they themselves are responsible for creating.”
That’s when you can hear one of the gun-nuts screaming, “shoot him.” The vulgar hypocrisy of these batshit loons escapes them completely. Michael also stated,
“The speaker riled up the crowd and told them lawmakers could not make them give up a right that god had given them and that it was time to overtake those people.”
Apparently in the demented minds of these hapless nitwits, Jesus wrote the constitution right after he won the Murikan Revolution!
The next bit of video was captured by another attendee of the rally that shows the cowardly bullies for the liars they are. They are the ones manhandling Michael and putting him on the ground with their knees in his back while trying to handcuff him with zip ties.

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