Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lies in Political Ads are now normal thanks to Citizens United: Lies are everywhere.

  A record $3.7+ billion is pouring into the 2014 midterms. The monetary floodgates are wide open, thanks to recent Supreme Court election decisions. Most of that money is spent on advertising, much of which misleads, distorts and downright lies. The donors for more than half of TV ads are not fully disclosed. Someone is profiting, but it sure isn’t you. And it’s definitely not the country.
It is legal to lie in national political advertising. Federal candidates can say just about anything they want, protected by the Court’s interpretation of free speech. The stand-by-your-ad statement: “I approve this message,” doesn’t mean it’s true, but it does get candidates the cheapest TV and radio ad rates, in compliance with the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. If a federal candidate’s ad is deceptive, broadcasters have to run it, as required by the Federal Communications Commission.

Trying to fight the laws in court, Congress or the regulatory agencies can be costly, take many years, and result in unintended consequences. Requiring truth in political advertising is up to you and me. We need to change the playing field by using our own voices and votes to demand honest political ads. This is why I’ve created with just one mission – to disrupt deceptive political advertising. Together, we can put candidates on notice that they’ll lose if they lie. 

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