Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sarah Palin's latest crazy talk. (She tries to take on Elizabeth Warren = FAIL.)

I have to say that Sarah is the Republican Queen of sound bites though.  She is sure great at making stuff up.  I enjoyed being in Juneau during the time when she was running for Vice President.  Most People around the AK Governor's Mansion had Obama signs in their yard.

6) Palin Doesn’t Understand the First Amendment. Part Two. Reacting to Warren’s pledge to overturn the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, Palin said that the government shouldn’t force people to buy contraception if it violates their religious beliefs. But as we’ve discussed over and over, religious liberty isn’t a valid means of permitting discrimination or as an excuse for politically-driven tantrums. Hobby Lobby’s employee health insurance policy covers nearly all forms of contraception except the ones it believes are abortion-inducing, even though science has proved that they’re not abortion-inducing at all. But let’s take Palin’s religious liberty excuse in a different direction. What if I was the CEO of Comcast and my religious beliefs held that a woman’s place was in the home and therefore decided to block the Sarah Palin Channel from being received by all 19 million Comcast internet customers? Just tossing that out there.

WA POST smacks down Sarah

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