Saturday, July 5, 2014

Why the HOBBY LOBBY decision should scare you.
Do you really want your boss to have the right to make your medical decisions?  He takes the place of your Doctor?  Is that what you want?

According to the Supreme Court – the owner’s religious beliefs trump all. For 52% of working Americans, they should be terrified, because what seemed so far-fetched is not anymore. Let’s be clear, this is about company’s rights over worker’s rights.
Finally, I saw on a post someone said if you owned a company wouldn’t you want to be able to run it by your religious beliefs and not have to compromise them. If I ran a for-profit company I would want to honor my beliefs, and the legal system that has not allowed religious discrimination (until now), honor my employee’s rights to their own religious beliefs, and keep my expectations to a professional manner that attracts the most talented employees, provides a respectful environment and makes customers feel valued. If you own a for-profit company not founded for religious purposes, your religion is yours, forcing it on your other 10 or 10,000 employees is not what our founding fathers ever intended – it is actually quite the opposite.

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