Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's words put into a dissent song.


We've found the song of the summer. Well, maybe.
On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that certain for-profit companies are not required to provide birth control coverage for their employees if it conflicts with their religious beliefs. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, however, disagreed with the ruling, writing a 35-page dissent clearly stating her support for a woman's right to contraception coverage under her employer's health plan. The sharply-worded (and badass) reproach has earned much support -- including its own song.
Singer/songwriter, Jonathan Mann, has put a tune to Ginsberg's scathing dissent, making us bop along to the chorus: “Now the court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield.” While Mann took a few liberties where lyrics are concerned, the song is undeniably catchy.

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