Sunday, October 27, 2013

Guns: The Powerful Pornography of the gun fetish

running tally of the carnage caused by the pornographic proliferation of guns in America. It began more than a year ago with a story about a young child accidentally shooting himself to death, followed by a carbon-copy tragedy the very next day. I captioned the story of the second shooting by saying, "No, this is not a repeat from yesterday, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that..." I have had cause to use that same phrase - "...or the day before that..." - pretty much every day since.
On Saturday, a two-year-old girl in Fayetteville, North Carolina found a gun in her home. Seconds later, she was dead. The gun was loaded, the safety was off, and there was no lock on the trigger. No arrests have been made. No charges have been filed against the people who left a gun where a baby could find it.
On Monday, a twelve-year-old boy in Sparks, Nevada found a gun in his home. He took it to school and shot two classmates, and a teacher who tried to talk the gun out of his hand. The teacher died. The boy turned the gun he found in his home on himself, and died as well. No arrests have been made. No charges have been filed against the people who left a gun where a pre-teen could find it.

this is the original article.

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