Monday, August 26, 2013

Colin Powell this past Sunday on TV

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell on Sunday warned fellow Republicans that voting restrictions designed to reduce the turnout of minorities, young people and seniors were "going to backfire" on the party.
Powell told CBS host Bob Schieffer that the Supreme Court's decision to overturn part of the Voting Rights Act had been followed by states "putting in place procedures and new legislation that in some ways makes it a little bit harder to vote, you need a photo ID."
"And they claim there is widespread abuse and voter fraud, but nothing documented, nothing substantiates that," he pointed out. "There isn't widespread abuse. And so these kinds of procedures that are being put in place to slow the process down and make it likely that fewer Hispanics and African-Americans might vote, I think, are going to backfire because these people are going to come out and do what they have to do in order to vote. And I encourage that."

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