Wednesday, July 31, 2013

White Men Crime is covered up! If Blacks rioted in Southern CA, it would have been big news?

Whites rioted in Huntington Beach, CA this past weekend but you and I heard nothing about it.  If it had been Blacks rioting in Southern CA, it would have been a major news story.  BTW  There are a lot of big gathering of people in state houses where WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND VOTING RIGHTS ARE BEING TAKEN AWAY!  There is a news blackout of coverage of these protests - Why?

It is ironic that just after Bill O’Reilly and Don Lemon generalized and castigated the black community for violence and bad behavior without the proper socioeconomic narrative that a riot erupted in Huntington Beach California. What is more ironic is that THE Taiwanese Animators behind the infamous Tiger Woods animation, caricatured the riot as a ‘white riot’.  Within the animation they had the statement “A wave of violence hit Huntington Beach Sunday night at the end of the Vans U.S. Open Surfing reminding us that whites can riot too.” The not too subtle message from foreigner’s looking in is evident.
Don Bon, a commenter on the YouTube video had an interesting tidbit. He said, “I like how there’s no racial slurs when it’s whites rioting. If itwas black rioters, the comments would be full of them.” Many believe a double standard in coverage and in persecution of bad acts skews both perception and statistics that have provided cover for Bill O’Reilly and Don Lemon to provide a certain level of skewed truths with a flawed narrative.

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