Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Mayflower Oil Spill continues to put Cancer Causing Benzine in the air for residents.

In his press conference, Attorney General McDaniels emphasized that benzene, a known carcinogen, has been detected inside some homes. “I have a real concern about the short- and long-term effects of carcinogens released into the air which are still detectable in the living rooms of people in that area.”
ExxonMobil has presented a plan to purchase eleven homes that were immediately impacted by the spill, at prices equal to an appraisal if the spill had never occurred. However, neighbors in the Mayflower subdivision, and those with property along the Lake Conway cove where dilbit has been discovered, have been offered no such deal. The company says it will compensate other residents for “all valid claims.” Attorney General McDaniels says that this plan does not go nearly far enough.
“I believe that Exxon should offer to purchase all the affected properties” in the Northwoods subdivision, as well as those near the cove, at a pre-spill appraisal price, McDaniel said.

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