Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Original Intent of the 2nd Amendment - Interesting! The NRA distorted the 2nd Amendment to make money folks.

Here is a bit from the article:  Interesting.

The Second Amendment was never intended to give individuals a personal right to own whatever weapons they desired. It was certainly not intended to enable groups of individuals to use deadly force against their own government. Instead, it was intended to enable government-led groups of white men to put down slave rebellions and to steal real estate from the Indians.

...The problem of gun violence in the United States is complex, and as H.L. Mencken observed, "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." Advocating that we arm elementary school principals and kindergarten teachers is not only wrong but insane. We must stop allowing this kind of insanity to prevent us from having reasonable gun control legislation.[]

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