Sunday, November 4, 2012

VOTE PRESIDENT OBAMA THIS WEEK!!  I was watching Chris Hayes and they were discussing FEMA and Climate Change.  The point was brought up that we seriously need to consider environmental needs as highlighted by the act of GOD that tore up the East Coast this past week.  It was pointed out that FEMA was filled with Inept leaders during the REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATIONS, (Michael Brown during GW Bush years - Katrina) with the long term goal of Privatizing it. It was also pointed out how effective FEMA WAS DURING DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATIONS OF CLINTON AND OBAMA!

Climate Change is real and we need to vote for a person who will deal with Climate Change, like increasing the milage for cars and putting competent people in charge of FEMA and the US Corps of Engineers.  VOTE PRESIDENT OBAMA TO MOVE OUR COUNTRY FORWARD!

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