Monday, July 16, 2012

Stupidity:  I had a self confessed Conservative tell me that Scientists are no more than Psychics and he laughs at me believing in the facts they use.  He says I should use the Bible because GOD is the one who is making Jesus Warming.  If I read the Bible, I would understand.  Knowing this person, I can guarantee you that I have read the Bible as much as this person.

He scoffs at the Affordable Care Act and blames President Obama for all that is wrong with the world. If President Obama is for it, he is against it.  He also is upset that President Obama has not stopped the two wars started by GW Bush.  He also says, Any Budget Deficit is President Obama's problem and I am not to mention the TWO GW BUSH WARS, THE TAX CUT FOR THE WEALTHIEST a Billion or the Prescription Drug benefit started by GW Bush and put on a credit card.

My Question is simple:  If Tax Cuts to Job Creators to the tune of a TRILLION DOLLARS creates jobs = WHERE ARE THOSE JOBS?  The Corporations and wealthiest have fat Bank Accounts but they are not using it to hire Americans.  They are also putting their cash in the Cayman Islands and other places where they do not have to pay US taxes.

Facts:  The rich are richer and poor are poorer than ever before.  The health care system is a mess and The ACA will help get people health care and keep people from going into bankruptcy for medical expenses.  The American Medical Association even came out for the ACA.  It is not perfect but it is certainly better than what we had.

I also want to say that saying that a scientist who has spent 30 years traveling by snowmobile in the winter -20 to -60 below zero weather studying permafrost loss on the Yukon River is not a pyschic.  It is stupidity to bring up the psychic claim actually.  30 years ago there was 95 percent of the Yukon River in AK was permafrost.  Now, there is less than 5 percent permafrost.  The decrease in permafrost is much faster than any projection.  The consequences are enormous and affect the entire world.

it is going to be a long political season where Billionaires are selling snake oil and have made many Millions of Dollars available to sell lies to elect Romney.  If you are a millionaire or Billionaire, you will make money off of Romney - if you are middle class or poor - Romney wants to make your life more difficult.  Rich get Richer and Poor get Poorer with Romney.