Monday, November 9, 2009

Life is fragile

I just got a call about a lady from the east coast who died. I knew her a little from being in Wells, NV. She worked for the Forest Service in Wells during the spring and summer for 10 years or so.

She was one of the Rangers that kept things in reasonable shape for all who visit our national treasure.

One Friday, she was hiking and walked over a stream. She twisted her ankle, which I have done dozens of times. She went home and put her foot up and iced it. It got worse over the weekend and she had chest pains. She went to the emergency room and was admitted. They said she was close to death. Blood clots developed and went to her lungs and heart. She was in the hospital for a week and was sent home. It did not get better - got worse. After 3 weeks of getting worse, they put her in the hospital again and kept her there for 2 weeks and then a rehab facility. She then was sent back home on a plane. That was 3 weeks ago. She was improving at home with family around her. her nurse sister was the main caregiver/overseer. She got H1N1 this past weekend and when it got in her lungs, she did not have a chance and passed away. Her lungs were already weakened by the clots.

Life is fragile. She had a pretty great job and she enjoyed it immensely, The job also became the reason she passed away. I must also say that I have had as many sprined ankles from walking in the back yard as I have had hiking or being on a trail. Little things can become big. I was in Wells when it happened and every day I expected to hear that she had improved and was back at work. Every day, the report was not good and often getting worse. She was only allowed to go to one small hospital even though many felt she needed another hospital.

Enjoy your life and those around you. If you see something wonderful, appreciate it. It is so easy to take things for granted.

HEALTH INSURANCE: She had health insurance because it was an on the job injury. Because she was seasonal, she did not have insurance when off the job or those non-working months. Had her injury occurred on Saturday, she would not have been covered with insurance. We need insurance for all - a public option is important.
(Taking back the tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% would more than fund the cost. We could even quit the wars which are costing an enormous amount of money.)

NO HEALTH INSURANCE BACK HOME: She did not have any insurance once she got back home. Workers Comp was only good in Nevada. She could not afford to go to the DR or Hospital when she got the Swine Flu. She passed away at home with family.

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