Saturday, May 23, 2009

Perseverence, snow and the museum

Here is more Perseverence. It shows the end of the trail and there was still snow last weekend. The trains are part of the Mining Museum up on Perseverence. Perseverence was also where the first road in Alaska happened to be. It was made to get to the gold which was found back in the hills. I stop at the snow because I was wearing tennis shoes. Many of the hikes around here have snow on them as you go up or along the trail.

This is the beginning of a 3 day weekend! I really feel that I needed the extra day to recharge my batteries. The job is tiring this time of year. 9 more days and my summer begins. I have nothing arranged for next year. I want to rest and think through the 09/10 year. I am back to maybe for Juneau. Living in the lower 48 has some big advantages. I will leave Juneau without a firm plan - that much I know.

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