Sunday, May 24, 2009

I heard a baby bear crying for mom

I hiked Perseverence twice today and I heard a baby bear. I know there are at least 3 bears in the area, I saw them playing in s snowfield a week or so ago. I hiked past the mining museum, where 2 bears were seen last week, and went up the trail. On this trail last week, I had heard something moving in the bushes and making a lot of noise. I kept on moving. This week I was on the trail and down below was a whimper cry sound. I think it was a baby bear. It was down a gully and I was up on the trail so I felt totally safe.

70 degrees today - beautiful.


Kim said...

Rich, AK must be fabulous this time of the year. You are so lucky to hear the baby bears. Just don't run into them as mamma will be quite protective. ;o)

Rich said...

Kim, The trails are changing daily. The snow is melting and the colors are jumping to life. It amazes me really how fast it greens up and the flowers come out. We have a lot of daylight so things really grow a lot during the day.